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Cultivation Applications

Quality Product


Growth Industries operates on the idea that all cannabis consumers shall be cultivated and manufactured in organic methodologies that are free of pesticides and safe from microbiological contamination. We believe it is also imperative that consumers receive standarized potency and dosing in all products. Therefore, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our cannabis products are contaminant and pesticide free by having all our product lines go through adequate third party testing to ensure consumer safety.

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All personal at Growth Industries understands the importance of handling policies in order to ensure accurate standardization during all cultivation and handeling activities. Our team sets the standards for quality control measures and commercial cultivation centers. As a result of our precise climate controlled design process we ensure all our crops are handled to FDA consumable goods standards.

Research Style Rooms

Organic Advantage


Commercial growers throughout the industry often don’t grow organically, due to various outdated misconceptions. One of the primary concerns of commercial growers is the possibility of reduced yield when growing organically. However, at Growth Industries, we have developed several organic growing methods that produce yields greater than non-organic commercial farms.

Rapid Innovation


As we scale our operation, we’re constantly developing new technology that improves the quality of our products and sets a standard for the industry as a whole. It is our mission to not only cultivate an effective product, but also to do so in an efficient and sustainable manner. New cultivation technology allows us to further improve our products and reduce our environmental footprint.

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